Daniel St-Cyr Creating ‘joyful feelings’ in his work
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Artist’s Statement
I studied at Algonquin College of Applied Arts in Ottawa. In 2010, I transitioned from computer to canvas, making a career change to artist painter. Self taught, I try to create joyful feelings in my work.

I start with a tiny scribble on paper, and develop my idea. Quick color sketch, pencil drawing the main shapes on canvas, using the “aux carreaux” method for complex drawings, adjusting composition as I go, using a flat brush sometimes like a knife. Oil or acrylic, often vivid colors that I can mix directly on the surface depending on the desired effect (gel, paste or thick paint for relief). With a dash of intuition, I improvise on my composition, and work for an interesting harmonious result. I am inspired by the “évasion” : often the play of light on water, being transported to another moment in time. I sometimes introduce figures or animals, letting the viewer imagine his/her own story.
Like many artists, I express in my own vision, and think art should bring you some degree of happiness that in turn contributes to your good health. My goal is to keep doing challenging works, perform on bigger canvases and always expand my art knowledge. I sometimes do plein-air paintings.
Contact Daniel at: [email protected]