Kristina Murray
Painting with bold and expressive brushstrokes
(Click an image for details and larger view)
Kristina Murray is an Internationally collected Canadian artist and avid painter in several mediums, but primarily painting in oil.
She was born in Cobourg, ON and also spent much of her childhood in Kingston, ON. Kristina settled and raised a family in our nation’s capital – Ottawa. Her deep roots in rural Ontario give her a deep affinity for painting forests, flowers, dramatic shorelines, farms and fields and all the beauty in nature.
I often travel and tour around our country roads and the scenic landscapes and local heritage are the roots of my artistic life. My paintings are the result of the sense of peace and nostalgia I get from the simple beauty of nature. My bold expressive brush strokes, and vibrant yet subdued colour palette and use of negative painting are a few of the details that bring life and drama to my paintings. My landscape and floral paintings are uplifting to paint and I strive to translate my joy and wonder in all my work.
kristina murray