Details and Requirements

Arts Carleton Place has entered into a venue usage agreement for space at 50 Bennett St, Unit #1. A gallery and studio/workshop space is available for members of ACP. Members have the opportunity to rent grid or artisan space in the gallery area on an annual basis. Members can rent the studio space for creative work at low cost and for workshop classes at reasonable cost.

First preference for this grid rental opportunity at the ACP Art Hub went to artists/artisans who were ACP members in good standing as of May 29, 2024.

Artists accepted to the Art Hub must be members of Arts Carleton Place.
To join ACP go to Membership.

In the coming year, the gallery will feature a series of 8 ‘shows’ running for 6 weeks per show. At the beginning of each 6-week show, participating artists will be asked to refresh, at minimum, 25% of the art from their last show and they will be moved to a new grid-location to ‘change up’ the gallery look.

To accommodate as many members as possible, only a few grid/space rental spots are available with ‘100% of shows’ participation. (These 100% spots are now fully rented) Most spots are for ‘50% of shows’ participation.

The Art Hub is staffed by the artists renting space. The full-time artists play a greater role although all artists are asked to take at least 2 gallery sitting shifts per shows in which they participate. The gallery is open 5 days a week – Wednesday to Sunday.

Art displayed on grids or artisan space MUST be only the participant artist’s own original art work. All artwork should be hang-ready with professional quality hanging hardware – coated wire and D-rings.

The Art Hub has display table space available for other art products like art cards, calendars, coaster, placemats, art reproductions/prints and other products with artists’ images. This table space is at no extra cost and shared equally among the participating Art Hub artists. Artists are asked to bring these items on show setup day. All items must be clearly identified by artist and individually priced with attached price tag.

2’x6′ artist grids or artisan space rental options and annual costs are:

3 Grids (100% of shows – $600) + Admin Task (FULL)
2 Grids (100% of shows – $400) + Admin Task (FULL)
2 Grids (50% of shows – $200) (FULL)
1 Grid (50% of shows – $100) (FULL)
Artisan 3′ long tiered shelves + 1 Grid (100% of Shows – $400) + Admin Task (FULL)
Artisan 3′ long tiered shelves (100% of Shows – $200) + Admin Task (FULL)
Artisan 3′ long tiered shelves (50% of shows – $100) (FULL)
Artisan  1/2 of 6′ display table (50% of shows – $75) (FULL)

EXAMPLE: An artist choosing a ‘1 Grid – 50% of Shows’ option at $100 annually will be able to hang art on one (1) assigned grid for 4 shows, each running for 6 weeks. (24 weeks of gallery presence over the 48 week period). The ‘50% participation artists’ will be divided into 2 groups and will participate in alternate shows.

Art Hub fees include grid or artisan space rental, as listed, as well as a 15% transaction fee on sales to support gallery expenses. No HST is charged to customers (similar to our regular 2-day art shows – Spring Show and Itty Bitty) although artists who are registered for HST must include this amount in their prices. Sales are ‘artist to customer‘ transactions although the sales are processed by the ‘sitting’ member at the gallery sale table – our central cash desk.

To apply for a space in the ACP Art Hub, complete the form below.