Steve Hewer Renditions of Intricate Architecture and Cityscapes
(Click an image for larger views with titles and descriptions)

Steve Hewer is a pyrographer specialising in burning renditions of intricate architecture and cityscapes onto hardwood.
After a long career in IT where artistic skills can become repressed, Steve has leapt into pyrography. He has fast-tracked his learning of the art since 2017 by burning many different subjects, using different wood types, while trying out different tools and techniques.
Steve creates his own ‘canvas’ by planing, cutting, routing and sanding hardwood to size. Once the canvas is ready, Steve draws an image in pencil and then burns the final picture over several iterations. One of Steve’s unique pictures takes on average 100 hours to produce.
Steve was the profiled Artist of the Month in the May 2019 edition of the art newspaper, The Humm.
Exhibition History:
Deconfinement Exhibition at Da Artisti Gallery, Cumberland, September and October 2020
Rotational display in Ottawa Art Gallery Annexe until January, 2021.
Arts Carleton Place Spring Show 2019
Art in the Attic, Almonte, Spring Show 2019
Arts Carleton Place Spring Show 2018
Arts Carleton Place
For more about Steve’s work visit his website.
Email: [email protected]