Art in Public Places

Arts Carleton Place partners with local businesses and the Town of Carleton Place to showcase our members’ art. There are several venues displaying art in two-three month rotating exhibits. These locations also benefit from the beautiful, original visual art. The public can view the art at these locations during business hours as many pieces are in public areas. Art may be purchased by contacting Arts Carleton Place. Contact ACP
Howard Kelford & DuBois, Artists: Jan Atkinson, Jane Languedoc, and David McAuslan.
Freska Café & Eatery, Artists: Carole Ince, Vic Dohar, Isabelle Jerome, Emma Marson, Davis McAuslin, Stephanie Moscrip and Len Modderman.
Carambeck Community Centre, Artists: Stephanie Moscrip, Vic Dohar, Jane Languedoc and Len Modderman.
Businesses or other organizations wishing to showcase ACP art, as part of the Art-in-Public-Places partnership, are invited to contact the association. Contact ACP
MEMBER Artists are Invited to Showcase Art at ‘Art in PP’ Locations
For 2025 ACP will have 4 ‘themed’ shows at the locations. Each will run for 3 months and you are invited to submit 1 or more pieces of art for any of these shows. The art will be hung at Howard, Kelford & DuBois LLB, Freska Café & Eatery or Carambeck Community Centre.
Mar 1 – May 31 ‘EMERGENCE’ THEMED ART (Application Deadline – Feb 15, 2025)
Jun 2 – Aug 31 SUMMER THEMED ART (Application Deadline – May 15, 2025)
Locations accommodate a variety of art sizes and multiple artists can be located at all venues.
If an art piece is sold prior to your display time, it is understood that you will be substituting another similarly sized piece.
Commission to ACP
Arts Carleton Place takes a 5% commission on art sold at the Art in PP venues.