Clare Scharf
Clare Scharf Painting local and famous landmarks (Click an image for larger view) Clare is the owner of CS25art and a high school senior, she has been doing art her whole life and specifically architecture art for the …
Clare Scharf Painting local and famous landmarks (Click an image for larger view) Clare is the owner of CS25art and a high school senior, she has been doing art her whole life and specifically architecture art for the …
Susan Gray Pushing the boundary between realism and abstraction (Click an image for larger view and details) Susan Gray is a local artist. She began painting years ago as a way to remain connected with her grandmother and …
Roxanne Ward The beauty of lampworking is that it is a journey, not a destination (Click an image for larger view) Roxanne Ward, a retired nurse and researcher, has always found ways to explore her creative side. In …
Alison Simser Spirited colour choices, purposeful brushstrokes and expressive texture (Click an image for larger view and details) Alison is a contemporary painter, creating expressionist works of landscapes, animals and abstracts. She is inspired by the shapes and …
Karen Wynne Mackay Abstract, gestural art (Click an image for larger view and details) Karen W. Mackay is a contemporary artist best known for her abstract, gestural art. She began her career as an artist over …
Barry Fawcett Catching the very essence of the subject (Click an image for larger view and title) From an early start in high school with an old 35mm camera, to his current use …
Steve Svarckopf If it doesn’t pass, then into the fire it goes “Custom Fire Wood” Creative Wood Art Steve started working at Dofasco in Hamilton right out of school. When he retired from there it wasn’t long before he …
Patti D. Clarke Focusing on the light in the water and sky (Click an image for larger view and details) Patti was a primary teacher for over thirty years and is now semi-retired, teaching Kindergarten part-time and enjoying family …
Angela Plontz A passion for design, typography, art, life drawing, gardening and a love for the colour yellow! (Click an image for larger view and details) Angela graduated from the Graphic Design Program at St. Lawrence College …
Ginny Fobert Photography as art (Click an image for larger view and details) Ginny Fobert/MYND’S i, Photography as Art Once told that photography was not art, Ginny Fobert believes that a photograph is made, not taken. It …